Mon., Sept. 1 – Labor Day
Wed., Sept. 3, 7:30 p.m. – Stated Meeting
Thurs., Sept. 11 – Patriot Day
Wed., Sept. 17, 7:30 p.m. – Stated Meeting, Ladies Appreciation Night
Mon., Sept. 22 – Autumn
Wed., Sept 24 – Rosh Hashanah begins at Sundown
Wed., Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m. – Stated Meeting
Brethren! If you would like to come to a Masonic meeting or event and do not have a ride; call us and we will make arrangements! I want to make sure everyone who wants to come has the opportunity to come to our meetings. That includes Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite events and York Rite events.
Our website is now up and operational at and can be displayed on tablets and smart phones as well your computer. I am making this Masonic web template available to any other Masonic body who wants it as well. If you are on “Facebook” there is a link at the bottom to our “Facebook” page. By the time this article comes out I hope to have a link to a “Youtube” channel, a Linked-In account and a “Twitter” account for the lodge also. This will put us in all the most popular social media sites. This is all part of our goal to keep the lodge going forward into the 21st Century. Some of the new features of the website include a list of all current officers and past masters, the ability to download a petition and an inquiry form to request information about our lodge. There is also a link to “SuggestionOx,” which is a website we are using to collect anonymous suggestions on ways to improve the lodge and our meetings. Do you have a great idea on how we can make ourselves better? Please send it in. There are plans in the works to do an electronic newsletter and update our old projector so come on out and see what all the excitement is about. But we will continue using this newsletter and traditional forms of communication, even though there are new things.
To facilitate a better succession plan and since inspection season is now over, the Senior Warden and Junior Warden will be conferring degrees on any candidate in the degree of their inspection year. This should give them a jump start on learning their parts and keep our officers sharp so that every member of Canton Lodge No. 60 can be proud of them and our lodge.
We are developing a membership committee to help the lodge grow and a committee for brothers in need. If anyone wished to help on those committees please contact me or Gary Dressler the Secretary.
If you have any interest in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, now is the time to petition because they are planning their next reunion October 23rd thru October 25th. The Shrine is having their next hot sands in November and The York Rite is also accepted new petitions. I have seen huge improvements in all these organizations in the last year.
Canton No. 60 will have a ladies appreciation night Wednesday, September 17th. Anyone interested in bringing their ladies please RSVP to the secretary or myself. Our ladies are well deserving of this honor since they have supported us through our Masonic endeavors.
Wednesday, October 29th will be our annual Chili and Bean Dinner so you’ll not want to miss that night. I hope to see everyone in lodge.
Steve Morosko, Worshipful Master